Jaewook Ahn |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea |
"Ultrafast optics in neutral atom quantum computing"
Xiaohong Cai |
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
"Double K-shell ionization of Kr induced by swift Xe54+ ions"
Purushottam Chakraborty |
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India |
"MCsn+ - SIMS: Fundamentals and Challenges in Interface Composition Analysis of Quantum Structures without Standards"
Jing Chen |
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China |
"Coulomb effect in above-threshold ionization in intense infrared laser field"
Dong Hyun Cho |
Korea University, Korea |
"How to grab an atom without squeezing it: magic polarization"
Dajun Ding |
Jilin University, China |
"Molecules in intense femtosecond (fs) laser fields: alignment, orientation, ionization, and their control"
Asuka Fujii |
Tohoku University, Japan |
"Infrared Spectroscopy of Large Hydrogen-Bonded Clusters"
Yuki Fukaya |
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan |
"Total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD) for determination of topmost surface structure"
Xiang Gao |
Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China |
"Precision spectroscopy and related electron-atom scattering"
Emiko Hiyama |
RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan |
"Threee- and four-body structure of 4He trimer and tetramer system"
Amir Karton |
The University of Western Australia, Australia |
"Catalytic reactions on Graphene Nanoflakes"
Hiroyuki Katsuki |
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
"Ultrafast manipulation of coherent states in gas and condensed phases."
Jin–Tae Kim |
Chosun University, Korea |
"Spectroscopic Analysis on the Hetero-nuclear KRb Molecule Using Both Molecular Beam and Ultracold Molecule Experiments"
Kiwoong Kim |
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Korea |
"Spin exchange relaxation free atomic magnetometer for biomagnetic measurements"
Masashi Kitajima |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
"Cross section measurements of ultra-low energy electron collisions with atoms and molecules utilizing the threshold photoelectron source"
Tamiki Komatsuzaki |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
"A Dynamical Switching of Reactive Mode ⇔ Nonreactive Mode at High Energies for a Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields"
E. Krishnakumar |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India |
"Structure, Symmetry and Dynamics of Molecular Negative Ions Probed by Electron Scattering"
Yuan-Pern Lee |
National Chaio-Tung University, Taiwan |
"Infrared absorption spectra of the Criegee intermediate CH2OO, dioxirane, and ICH2OO detected with a step-scan FTIR"
Sheng-Hsien Lin |
National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan |
"Theory and Applications of Sum-frequency Generations"
King-Chuen Lin |
National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
"Molecular Halogen Elimination from Halogen-containing Compounds in Atmosphere"
Don McNaughton |
Monash University, Australia |
"Synchrotron Far-IR high resolution spectroscopy"
Kyo Nakajima |
KEK, Japan |
"Photoelectron diffraction from laser-aligned molecules with a x-ray
free electron laser"
Nobuyuki Nakamura |
University of Electro-Communications, Japan |
"Studies of Highly Charged Heavy Ions at the Tokyo Electron Beam
Ion Trap"
Dhananjay Nandi |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India |
"Dissociative Electron Attachment to Atmospherically Important Molecules probed by Velocity Slice Imaging"
Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg |
Fachbereich Chemie
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany |
"Teaming up Methods to characterize Single-Molecule Magnets in Isolation"
Kunihiro Okada |
Sophia University, Japan |
"Laboratory measurements of ion-polar molecule reactions in molecular clouds"
Ghanshyam Purohit |
Sir Padampat Singhania University |
"Low and intermediate energy electron impact ionization of hydrogen and water molecules"
Sadiq Rangwala |
Raman Research Institute, India |
"Interactions in cold and trapped ion-atom systems"
Bijaya Sahoo |
Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad, India |
"Relativistic atomic many-body methods for fundamental physics"
Xu Shan |
University of Science and Technology of China, China |
"Observation of interference effects in molecules by (e,2e) electron momentum spectroscopy"
Yong-il Shin |
Seoul National University, Korea |
"Atomic Superfluid in Two Dimensions"
Trevor Smith |
University of Melbourne, Australia |
"Coherent Diffractive
Imaging With a Femtosecond High Harmonic Generation Source"
Fengqi Song |
Nanjing University, China |
"Tuning the electronic coherence in graphene by atomic clusters"
James Sullivan |
Australian National University, Australia |
"Positron scattering from molecules of biological significance"
Minaxi Vinodkumar |
V. P. & R. P. T. P. Science College, India |
"Electron impact scattering cross sections over wide range of impact energies"
Chengyin Wu |
Peking University, China |
"Imaging molecular structure with laser-driven Coulomb explosion"
Jiamin Yang |
Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, China |
"Effect of the intense radiation field on the x-ray emission spectrum of low density Al plasmas"
Ite Albert Yu |
National Tsinghua University, Taiwan |
"Spinor Slow Light"
Yaming Zou |
Fudan University, China |
" Fusion plasma related atomic process Studies at the Shanghai EBIT laboratory"